Office of Global Engagement

Program Costs

The fees, charges, and expenses for 2025/26.

Please note: Costs are estimates and subject to change based on factors such as fluctuating exchange rates, inflation, energy crisis, etc.


Expense Type

Fall 2025

Spring 2026

Full Year 2025-2026

Program Fee*

Billed by Brown

Brown University tuition for Fall 2025

Brown University tuition for Spring 2026

Brown University tuition for Full Year 2025-2026

Student Resources Fee

Billed by Brown

Undergraduate student resources fee for Fall 2025

Undergraduate student resources fee for Spring 2026

Undergraduate student resources fee for Full Year 2025-2026

Brown Student Health Insurance ** Full-time enrolled students are charged a Health Insurance Fee on the student account statement for enrollment in the University's Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). For plan details and SHIP waiver process, please visit the University Insurance Office website.

Billed by Brown

Brown Student Health Insurance premium for Full Year 2025-2026

Brown Student Health Insurance premium for Spring 2026

Brown Student Health Insurance premium for Full Year 2025-2026

Academic Records Fee (Visiting/non-Brown students only)

Billed by Brown




Single occupancy room in student residence (dormitory) ((US$ amount may fluctuate due to exchange rate))

Billed by Brown 

3,850 € (~$4,100)

3,850 € (~$4,100)

7,700 € (~$8,200)

Airfare (varies by departure location) 

Direct Student Cost




Internet and cell phone plan

(Based on an estimate of 20€ in opening and cancellation fees + 20€/month for a  French plan which allows you to use your cell phone as a hotspot for internet service.) 

*For safety and security reasons, students must have an active cell phone plan while enrolled in their study abroad program.

Direct Student Cost

100 €

120 €


Meals (based on estimate of 300 euros/month, including partial board at student residence hall and cooking at home; does not include restaurant meals) ((US$ amount may fluctuate due to exchange rate))

Direct Student Cost

~1,200 € ($1,315)

~1,500 € ($1,645)

~2,700 € ($2,960)

Personal (Please note estimate varies significantly from student to student; includes laundry, daily living supplies, and other miscellaneous items; does not include personal travel)

Direct Student Cost




Local Transport (based on estimate of 88,80euros/month, annual students pay less for the full 9 months because they may apply for a student transit card) ((US$ amount may fluctuate due to exchange rate))

Direct Student Cost

352 €

440 € 


Books/Antidote Software

Direct Student Cost




Required Immunizations and Medications (if applicable and not covered by insurance).

Direct Student Cost

varies if not covered by insurance 

varies if not covered by insurance 

varies if not covered by insurance 

Visa Fees and related expenses (varies with type of visa)***

Direct Student Cost




*Program Fee: The program fee covers onsite tuition, related academic programming and program-sponsored excursions. It also covers the onsite orientation program, mandatory French national health insurance, emergency travel assistance, and the services of the onsite program staff.

**Health Insurance: Full-time enrolled students are charged a Health Insurance Fee on the student account statement for enrollment in the University's Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). For plan details and SHIP waiver process (if you have other comparable insurance in place), please visit the University Insurance Office website

***Visa Fees:  For some programs, students may need to apply for a visa or register upon arrival. Costs for processing of individual visas and registration/residency fee range from $50 to $500, depending on the country and on the citizenship of the student.